Selasa, 12 April 2011



An adverbial clause is a clause that functions as an adverb. In other words, it contains a subject (explicit or implied) and a predicate, and it modifies a verb.

Adverb clauses of condition
These clauses are usually introduced by the conjunctions if, whether, provided that and so long as.
  • If you heat ice, it melts.
  • If it rains, we will not go out.
  • You won’t pass unless you work hard.
  • There will be no trouble provided that you keep your mouth shut.
  • I will forgive you on condition that you don’t repeat the offence.
You will notice that the adverb clause of condition gives the circumstances under which the action in the main clause will take place.
Sometimes the conjunction if is omitted.
  • Were I you, I wouldn’t do it. (= If I were you, I would not do it.)

Adverb clause of purpose

the adverb clauses of purpose state the purpose of action mentioned in the main clause. They are usually introduced by the conjunctions that, in order that, so that and lest.
We eat that we may live.
She starved herself that her children might be fed.
I work hard so that I may pass my exam.
Put on your warm clothes lest you should catch a chill.

Adverb clauses of result or consequence
The adverb clauses of result or consequence state what has happened or what may happen as a result of the action in the main clause. They are usually introduced by the conjunction so that, so…that, such…that.

The famine was so severe that thousands died.
The soldiers fought so bravely that the enemy retreated in disarray.
She spoke in such a low voice that we could not hear her.

That is often omitted.
She was so weak she could hardly stand.
It was so hot we could not go out.

Adverb clauses of cause
The adverb clauses of cause give the reason for the activity mentioned in
the main clause. They are usually introduced by the conjunctions because,
since, as, inasmuch as and that.
  • I sing because I enjoy singing.
  • We left without him because he wasn’t ready.
  • Since has has apologized we will take no further action against him.
  • As he was not there I left a message with his sister.
  • I am glad that you like it.
  • He was furious that his novel was panned by most critics.
The conjunction that is often omitted.
  • I am glad you like it.
The adverb clauses of degree answer the question ‘how much’, ‘how many’ or ‘how little’. They are usually introduced by the conjunctions as, so…as, as…as and than.
  • He is older than he looks.
  • No one can run faster than Peter.
  • It is later than I thought.
  • He is not so clever as you think.
  • She is as intelligent as she is beautiful.
  • He is much younger than you (are).
  • It is not a bad price, as prices go these days.
The correlatives the…the may also introduce adverb clauses of degree or comparison.
  • The higher you climb, the colder it gets.
  • The more he earns the more he spends.
  • The older you grow the wiser you become.

Adverb clauses of place

Adverb clauses of place are introduced by the conjunctions where and wherever.
Where there is a will, there is a way.
Put it where you can find it again.
They can stay wherever they want to.
Wherever you go I will follow you.

In older English, the conjunctions whence and wheresoever were also used to introduce adverb clauses of place.
I asked him whence he came.
Wheresoever we looked, we saw a whole army of black ants.

In colloquial English, everywhere is sometimes used for wherever.
Everywhere we went, we found the shops closed. (= Wherever we went, we found the shops closed.)
Adverb clauses of time
Adverb clauses of time are introduced by the subordinating conjunctions when, wherever, before, after, as, since, till, once, now that etc.
  • After you have finished your work you can go home.
  • Do it before it gets too late.
  • As soon he heard the news he wrote to me.
  • Don’t talk while the baby is sleeping.
  • I have not been feeling well since I returned from Mumbai.
  • Just as we entered the room, the clock struck five.
Once and now that are also sometimes used to introduce adverb clauses of time.
  • Once you have made a decision, you must stick to it.
  • Now that summer has come, we must buy another fan.
Kinds of adverb clauses
We have seen that an adverb clause is a subordinate clause which does the work of an adverb. It may, therefore, modify a verb, an adjective or an adverb in the main clause.
  • Strike the iron while it is hot.
  • You may do as you please.
There are very many kinds of adverb clauses;
  1. Adverb clause of time
  2. Adverb clause of place
  3. Adverb clause of manner
  4. Adverb clause of degree or comparison
  5. Adverb clause of cause
  6. Adverb clause of purpose
  7. Adverb clause of result or consequence
  8. Adverb clause of condition
  9. Adverb clause of concession or supposition


Read the following sentence:
The dog ran up when I whistled.
The sentence given above has two parts – the dog ran up and when I whistled. Each part has a subject and a predicate of its own and each makes complete sense. Such groups of words are called clauses.
A clause is a group of words which has a subject and predicate of its own. A
clause makes complete sense by itself and forms part of a larger sentence.

Kinds of clauses
There are three kinds of clauses – the noun clause, the adjective clause and the adverb clause. As their names suggest a noun clause does the work of a noun; an adjective clause does the work of an adjective and an adverb clause does the work of an adverb.

puisi "fallin love"

Fall in love

Love. . what is love?
For some reason when I looked into his eyes
My heart is always asking
Does anyone love his heart like what I feel?

When I saw her lips smile
I'd love membahagiakannya
When I saw tears in his eyes
I wanted to delete them

As I near
My heart was pounding
When I'm far from it
Sense of longing rises abruptly

Am I in love?


Increasingly Far
While you're near me
I always want to be with
While you're getting near me
I love thee more

When you love me
I'm more afraid of losing your
During that time,
I fell in love with you

but now, while you're away
I always wanted to see
I'm here waiting for you faithfully
waiting for your love of

I love that is always waiting
each bed
I always longed for love
every beat of my heart


The Wind and The Sun
One day the wind and the sun were disputing which was stronger. Suddenly they saw a traveler coming down the road.
The Sun                                : I see a way to decide our dispute. Whichever of us can cause that traveler to take off
                                  His cloak shall be regarded as the strongest.
The Wind             : would you mind not talking so loudly?
The Sun                                : sorry. Okay, you begin. I will retire behind a cloud.
The Wind             : I will blow as hard as I can and I’ll be the winner.
The Sun                                : okay, good luck.
The Wind             : Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I’m so tired. What is happening  to me? I shouldn’t give up. I have to
                                 Blow harde……zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
                But the harder he blew the closer the traveler  wrapped his cloak around him,till at last the wind had to give up in despair.
                Then the sun came out and shone in all his glory upon the traveler, who soon found it too hot to walk with his cloak on.

artikel "capoeira"

Capoeira Origins
Capoeira is a martial art of unarmed Brazilian developed by African slaves and brought to Brazil by the Portuguese in the 1500s. Capoeira is the only martial arts used by slaves to defend themselves. The fight they usually happen at the field in the forest in Tupi-Guarani language (one of the indigenous languages ​​in Brazil), called CAA-puera, some historians argue that this is the origin of the name of the martial arts. Capoeira was banned when slavery was abolished, as identified with anti-government movement. Until finally in 1932, named Mestre Bimba seseorag obtain permission to open a school and come further capoeira martial arts schools are in various places. In Indonesia alone, capoeira began to be known in the 1990s, when capoeiristas (call for capoeira lovers) from around the world, showing the martial arts when they visited Indonesia. The fight in capoeira is usually accompanied by music which is called Jogo. Earlier times, they do the exercises to the accompaniment of traditional music instruments, such as the berimbau (a wooden arch with strings that has been hit with a small timber for menggetarkannya) and Atabaque (big drum).

Jumat, 08 April 2011


Nama   : Niki Purnamasari
Kelas   : 1EA19
NPM   :14210982

Life In Five Rivers

There are five streams flowing near the village Trinidad where Sam lived when he was a little boy. People used crystal-clear water for all purposes.
Those five streams were as much a part of the village as the huts and the people and the tracks they called streets. That was why the settlement was known as Five Rivers.
At that time, they didn’t have any school or police station or electric lights. Sam used to walk about five miles to the nearest school, carrying homemade bread and salted fish in his satchel to eat for lunch.
Every morning Sam waited for Popo, the little Indian boy who was his best friend. Sam was nine years old and Popo was seven, and because he was smaller than Sam, Sam used to make Popo carry his books for him. Many times Popo argued with Sam about this, but in the end Sam usually got his way when he promised to allow Popo to play with him and the older boys at school.
Until school closed for the August holidays, the children didn’t have much time to bother with what was going on in the village. Coming back from school that last day, Popo was full of excitement. He said to Sam,speaking in the kind of broken English they were used to,”Plenty holiday,we will have time to do plenty things.”
“Plenty things, yes!” Sam told him, “but I warning you in front, that I don’t want you hanging around me all the time. You still a little boy.”
“I won’t do anything.” Popo held Sam’s hand. “I just want to be with you, because you always doing brave things. And I getting big now.”
Sam flung Popo’s hand away. “Ah, you too small to have any sense, you always making noise, or starting to cry and say you want to go home.”
“I promaise you I won’t make any noise.” Popo walked backwards in front of Sam, so he could talk to Sam’s face. And Popo continued walking that way as they went home, trying to convince Sam that he would be no trouble.
Well , to tell you the truth, Popo really wasn’t. They hunted squirrels and birds, and bathed in the streams or went rambling in the bush. There were many things to do. One of their favorite pastimes was to tease More Lazy, but in his laziness he ignored them so much that they soon tired of that.
Popo was the only one who still found this amusing, perhaps because More Lazy was a coward and Popo could say or do anything to hom without fear.
But it was Popo who caused Sam’s greatest adventure that holiday. One morning Sam was going out to fish with some of the older boys when Popo ran up and drew him aside.
“I have a big secret!” he said.
“Ah,” Sam said, “you never have any good ideas. I going to fish, and I don’t want you to come.”
“But listen, this is a good thing! Is to look treasure!”
“Treasure!” Sam said, “who would have treasure in Five Rivers,where everybody so poor?”
Popo was so excited that he kept jumping up and down.
“This is a good secret! More Lazy say that Jagroop have treasure! He say all we have to do is look for it!”
Everybody knew that Jagroop had hidden his money somewhere, but the trouble was to find out where. He boasted that no one would ever discover his hidding place, and this was taken up as a challenge. No one wanted to rob the old Indian, but saying they could never  find his money was a dare that couldn’t go unanswered.
“I ain’t have no time for  that,” Sam said.
“And besides,” Popo went on, “Jagroop have a mango tree in his garden. You ain’t notice it? Is the only one that bearing now!”
Well, that was true, anyway. All the fruit trees in the valley were bare except for this one, which looked as if it had suched all the life from the other  trees, for it was in full fruit. From a distance, Sam and Popo Could see the mangoes dangling on their stems.
Sam thought it was a better idea to go after Jagroop’s mangoes than to fish,because it was the dry season, and the five streams around the village were mere trickles. So Sam decided to go, and of course Popo  went with him.
They went up the hill. The dry leaves and twigs crackled like shells under their  feet. There was no sign of Jagroop, and they managed to get behind his hut and right under the mango tree.
Sam hoised Popo up and when he was safe in a fork of tree, Sam went up after him. Soon they were feasting on the fruit.
They had filled their pocket with mangoes and were just about to climb down when Popo grabbed Sam’s arm and pointed.
Below them the bushes were so thick they couldn’t see anyone at first. Then they saw the bushes shake. It was Jagroop!
He was walking in a kind of half-crouch. With one hand he clutched a cutlass and tin to his chest while his other hand cleared the way of brambles. He stopped where one of the streams crawled through his land. Glancing around, he sat down on the bank, wet his cutlass, ang began to sharpen it on a stone.
The boys could see him clearly now, and it appeared to them that he was only pretending, or “playing possum.” For  all the time he kept watching the bushes, like a deer which had smelt man but wasn’t sure where he was. The boys were scared, for it looked as if Jagroop knew they were up in his mango tree, and it looked,too,the easy way he was sitting,that he was only waiting for  them to climb down to give chase with his cutlass!
The boys scarcely dared breathe,and you can imagine what a state Popo was in! he was squeezing and relaxing his fingers on Sam’s arm.
“You think he see us?” Popo’s whisper was hot in Sam’s ear.
“We just have to wait and see,” Sam whispered back.
Half an hour passed. Jagroop was humming a Hindi song as he moved the cutlass to and fro on the stone. The cutlass must have been as sharp as a razor,yet he went on. He struck it lightly at a hanging bamboo leaf. Then he tested the blade again by shaving an inch or two of hair off his leg. That seemed to satisfy him, for he got up at last.
Near a larger slab of rock which jutted out from the bank, he stood for a minute. Then muttering to himself, he gathered stones and dammed the thin tricle of water with them,digging carth from the bank and packing the wall. When the water ceased to flow, he began to dig in the bed of the stream it self.
The boys could see beads of perspriration glistening on Jagroop’s dark skin as he dug and dug,stopping at sudden moments and cocking his head sideways as dry leaves rustled or a dove flew noisily in the bush.
Then Jagroop stopped digging and reached into the hole with his hands.
He brought out two tins and he sat down and opened them.
The sunlight fell on silver. Hundreds of shillings and half crowns. They glinted, and the boys heard them ring as Jagroop let them trickle through his fingers and fall back into the tins. They had never seen so much money in all their lives.
Now they knew why no one was able to discover Jagroop’s hiding place. Who would have dreamed of digging in the bed of a flowing stream? Now, all the Indian had to do was bury the money, fill the hole firmly with stones and earth, and break the dam. The water would flow over the spot and keep his secret  forever.
It was too good. It was too clever. Sam and Popo couldn’t contain them selves. They were bursting to tell  the secret.
Scrambling down the mango tree, they be shout loudly to give themselves courage and, flinging mangoes left and right from their pockets, they ran down the hill to the village.